Lecture Topics
Published 01.02.2018
- Updated 01.02.2018
Topic 1: The role of science in natural resources governance
- Introduction to the marine estate
- goods and services
- current status
- future projections
- Governing marine resources
- range of actors
- models of governance
- key features of governance
- issues of scale (local to global)
- Governance case studies to highlight challenges and complexities:
- Marine governance in Croatia
- Governing the Baltic Sea
- The role of science in marine governance
Topic 2: How to produce usable marine science
- Traits/features of ‘usable’ marine science
- Salience, Credibility, Legitimacy
- Combining knowledge systems (scientific, experiential, cultural, traditional, etc.)
- Scale/context/place specific
- Practical approaches to producing usable marine science
- Transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary science
- Co-production
- Dealing with uncertainty in data/models/projections
Topic 3: Improving knowledge exchange among scientists and decision-makers
- Introduction to knowledge exchange (autonomy vs interdependency)
- Barriers to knowledge exchange among marine scientists and decision-makers
- Models/frameworks for improving knowledge exchange
- Practical strategies for improving knowledge exchange with decision-makers
- Individual skills/attributes for knowledge exchange
- Options for gaining practical skills needed (e.g. policy internships)
Topic 4: Career pathways to have impact at the science-policy-society interface
- Traditional academic
- Established researcher
- NGO/Conservation group
- Knowledge broker
- University based boundary organisation
- MPA Manager
- Tourism Manager
- Policy maker
Workshop/practical activities
- Writing policy briefs
- Developing infographics
- Turning a scientific paper into a blog that people want to read
- Developing and implementing a Research Impact Plan
- Using social media and other web-based tools to communicate your research
- Practical tips for building and maintaining strong stakeholder networks
- Simulated science-policy discussions – participants pitch their research to an invited policy-maker.
- Citizen Science – when to use it, what role it could have, types of data you can obtain, etc.