Organising Committee
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Stephanie BrodieShe is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of California Santa Cruz and the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Steph is an ecologist with a broad interest biogeography, fisheries, and animal ecophysiology. She has expertise in quantitative analyses and using diverse data sets to examine pelagic predator ecology and the roles that oceanographic processes play in species distributions. Steph is interested in applied research and understanding how climate change and variability is affecting living marine resources and dependent marine communities. |
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Maria Grazia PenninoShe is a marine biologist, with a master's degree in Biostatistic and a PhD in Mathematics & Statistics. Currently working at the C.O. Vigo, Instituto Español de Oceanografia at the Fishery Department. Her main research fields is spatial-temporal modeling and biostatistics in general to advise an effective fisheries management. She has studied different fisheries (industrial and small-scale/artisanal) and several ecosystems (Mediterranean, Indian Ocean and Brazilian coastal areas), working at different spatial (from local to global) and temporal scale. Recently, she has also been interested in linking social and economic factors in the species distribution models framework to understand how they could affect the distribution of the species. |
André FrainerAndré Frainer investigates how environmental degradation, including human-induced climate change, might affect the functional composition and diversity of marine fish in the Arctic. As part of this work, he aims at understanding how functional diversity can change ecosystem functioning, and is currently developing ways of assessing early-stress signals from different ecosystems. He is also interested in understanding how climate change might affect small-scale fisheries, with a focus on Brazilian fisheries. He is research scientist at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, NINA, in Tromsø, Norway. |
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Samiya SelimSamiya Selim is an Associate Professor and the Director of Center for Sustainable Development at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB). She specialises in interdisciplinary areas of social-ecological systems - sustainability science, climate change adaptation and resilience, and the science-policy interface. In the past 10 years, Samiya worked on sustainability, climate change, conservation and fisheries in the UK and Bangladesh, including mobilizing hard-to-reach communities to get involved in environmental activities and to bring about sustainable behavioural change in daily life. Her current work focuses on ecosystem-based adaptation and sustainable livelihoods in coastal areas of Bangladesh facing increased salinity and erosion. Samiya recently published a book on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals relating to the environment in Bangladesh. She is also a member of the IMBeR Human Dimensions Working Group. |
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Kelly Ortega-CisnerosShe is a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science at Rhodes University, South Africa. Her research interest is focused on the influence of environmental variability and climate change on coastal ecosystems. Her postdoctoral research focused on the use of ecosystem modelling to investigate the potential effects of climate change and fisheries in marine ecosystems. Obtained her PhD. at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Her PhD. investigated the importance of the variability in river flow on the functioning of estuaries using ecological network models. |
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Jon LopezInter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, United States |
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Natașa VaidianuAn Associate Professor at Faculty of Natural Sciences and Agricultural Sciences, Ovidius University Constanta and researcher at University of Bucharest, Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Research on Territorial Dynamics. |