

Carol Robinson
IMBER SSC (Chair, 2016- )
E-mail: Carol.Robinson@uea.ac.uk
Web page: Link

National contact, IMBER SSC (2007-2013)

University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK

Microbial biogeochemistry
Eileen Hofmann
Past Chair
E-mail: hofmann@ccpo.odu.edu
Web page: Link

Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography, Norfolk, VA, USA

Physical-biological interactions in marine ecosystems, descriptive physical oceanography
Alida Bundy
IMBER SSC (Vice-chair, 2013- )
E-mail: alida.bundy@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Web page: Website

HDWG (Chair)

Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Canada

Marine ecosystem functioning, fisheries exploitation
Eugene Murphy
IMBER SSC (Vice-Chair 2016- )
E-mail: e.murphy@bas.ac.uk
Web page: Link

ICED (Chair), National contact

British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK

Biological oceanography, Southern Ocean food web modelling, ecosystems dynamics, biogeochemical cycles
Ratana Chuenpagdee
IMBER SSC (2012- )
E-mail: ratanac@mun.ca
Web page: Website

HDWG (2011 - 2016), TBTI (Chair)

Department of Geography, Memorial University, St. John´s, Newfoundland, Canada

Interdisciplinary, governance, coastal sustainability and community resilience, ecosystem values, social organization
Tatiana Rynearson
IMBER SSC (2013- )
E-mail: rynearson@gso.uri.edu
Web page: Link

Coastal Institute, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI, USA

Ecological and evolutionary processes, planktonic genetic diversity and community structure, function and productivity
Laurent Bopp
IMBER SSC (2014- )
E-mail: laurent.bopp@lsce.ipsl.fr
Web page: Link

National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris, France

Physical oceanography, climate-marine biogeochemistry interactions, marine ecology, computational modelling
Gerhard Herndl
IMBER SSC (2014- )
E-mail: gerhard.herndl@univie.ac.at
Web page: Link

Department of Marine Biology, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Marine microbial ecology, microbial oceanography and biodiversity, marine biogeochemistry, dark ocean
Rubén Escribano
IMBER SSC (2015- )
E-mail: rescribano@udec.cl
Web page: Link

IMBER-CLIVAR Upwelling WG (Chair)

Department of Oceanography & Millennium Institute of Oceanography (IMO), University of Concepción, Concepción, Chile

Marine zooplankton ecology, marine pelagic food webs, population biology
Masao Ishii
IMBER SSC (2015- )
E-mail: mishii@mri-jma.go.jp
Web page: Website

SOLAS-IMBER Carbon Interior Ocean WG

Oceanography and Geochemistry Research Department, Japan Meteorological Agency / Meteorological Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan

Ocean carbon cycle, ocean acidification, natural and anthropogenic changes in ocean carbon and oxygen
Svein Sundby
IMBER SSC (2015- )
E-mail: sveins@imr.no
Web page: Website

Oceanography and Climate Research Group, Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Bergen, Norway

Physical-biological ocean processes, climate variability, climate change and impacts on marine ecosystems, plankton, fishery oceanography
Dan Costa
IMBER SSC (2016- )
E-mail: costa@ucsc.edu
Web page: Link


University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA

Ecology and physiology of marine mammals and seabirds
Ingrid van Putten
IMBER SSC (2016- )
E-mail: Ingrid.Vanputten@csiro.au
Web page: Link

HDWG (2017-)

Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and Centre for Marine Socioecology, Hobart, Australia

Modelling the interaction of social and economic behaviour with the biophysical environment
Cisco Werner
IMBER SSC (Vice-Chair 2016- )
E-mail: cisco.werner@noaa.gov
Web page: Link

Southwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA, La Jolla, CA, USA

Physical-biological modelling, marine ecosystems, ocean circulation physics, ocean and coastal observing and forecasting systems
Ying Wu
IMBER SSC (2016- )
E-mail: wuying@sklec.ecnu.edu.cn
Web page: Link

State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (SKLEC), East China Normal University (ECNU), Shanghai, China

Marine organic geochemistry

Terms of Reference

IMBER Scientific Steering Committee

Agreed by IGBP and SCOR, April 2004

  • To develop the IMBER Science Plan and Implementation Strategy, in accordance with guidance from the sponsoring organisations.
  • To oversee the development of IMBER in accordance with its Science Plan and Implementation Strategy.
  • To collaborate, as appropriate, with related projects of the sponsors IGBP and SCOR, and other related programmes and organisations (e.g., IHDP, DIVERSITAS, IOC and the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), etc.)
  • To establish appropriate data management policies to ensure access to, sharing of, and preservation of IMBER data, taking into account the policies of the sponsors.
  • To report regularly to SCOR and IGBP on the state of planning and the accomplishments of IMBER.

The IMBER SSC, its subsidiary groups and International Project Office shall operate in accordance with the operating procedures for IGBP Projects and the requirements of the other co-sponsors.

When IGBP ended in 2015, IMBER continued under SCOR and became a core project of the Future Earth intitiative. A memoradum of understanding setting out the terms was signed in 2016.