

Carol Robinson
Chair since 2016
E-mail: Carol.Robinson@uea.ac.uk
Web page: Link

National contact, IMBER SSC (2007-2013)

University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK

Microbial biogeochemistry
Marion Glaser
Vice-Chair since 2017
E-mail: marion.glaser@leibniz-zmt.de
Web page: Link

Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT)
Bremen, Germany

Multi-level social-ecological systems analysis, resilience and transformation, tropical coastal livelihoods, coastal and ocean governance and management, transdisciplinary research
Eugene Murphy
Vice-Chair since 2016
E-mail: e.murphy@bas.ac.uk
Web page: Link

ICED (Chair), National contact

British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK

Biological oceanography, Southern Ocean food web modelling, ecosystems dynamics, biogeochemical cycles
Alice Newton
Vice-Chair since 2019
E-mail: anewton@ualg.pt
Web page: Link

Centre for Marine and Environmental Research, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal

Eutrophication, assessment frameworks of marine social - ecological systems, Regional Seas Conventions, marine environmental policy implementation, marine biodiversity assessments, science communication
Laurent Bopp
Member since 2014
E-mail: laurent.bopp@lsce.ipsl.fr
Web page: Link

National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris, France

Physical oceanography, climate-marine biogeochemistry interactions, marine ecology, computational modelling
Chris Cvitanovic
Early Career representative since 2018
E-mail: christopher.cvitanovic@anu.edu.au

The Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science, Australian National University, Canberra

Marine governance, knowledge exchange, science-policy and stakeholder engagement
Mark Dickey-Collas
Member since 2017
E-mail: Mark.dickey-collas@ices.dk
Web page: Link

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and Danish Technical University National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU-AQUA), Copenhagen, Denmark.

Population dynamics, ecosystem approach, science for policy, pelagic fish and fisheries
Rubén Escribano
Member since 2015
E-mail: rescribano@udec.cl
Web page: Link

IMBER-CLIVAR Upwelling WG (Chair)

Department of Oceanography & Millennium Institute of Oceanography (IMO), University of Concepción, Concepción, Chile

Marine zooplankton ecology, marine pelagic food webs, population biology
Gerhard Herndl
Member since 2014
E-mail: gerhard.herndl@univie.ac.at
Web page: Link

Department of Marine Biology, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Marine microbial ecology, microbial oceanography and biodiversity, marine biogeochemistry, dark ocean
Alistair Hobday
Member since 2017
E-mail: alistair.hobday@csiro.au

Past co-Chair of CLIOTOP

CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

Climate variability and change, climate adaptation, fisheries management, ecological risk assessments, science-to-policy
Jeomshik Hwang
Member since 2019
E-mail: jeomshik@snu.ac.kr
Web page: Link

School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea

Biological carbon pump, sediment resuspension, radiocarbon
Oscar Iribarne
Member since 2018
E-mail: osiriba@mdp.edu.ar
Web page: Link

National University of Mar del Plata (CONICET), Mar del Plata, Argentina

Marine ecology, Determinants of community structure, Sustainable fisheries; Interface ecosystems
Olav Sigurd Kjesbu
Ex-officio Member since 2018
Tel.: +47 930 47 611
E-mail: olav.kjesbu@imr.no
Web page: Link

Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway

Reproductive ecology and recruitment dynamics, effect of environmental variability on fish stock productivity
Frank Muller-Karger
Member since 2018
E-mail: carib@usf.edu
Web page: Link

University of South Florida, Saint Petersburg, FL, USA

Biological oceanography, ocean remote sensing, nutrient cycles, ecology/biodiversity
Suvaluck Satumanatpan
Member since 2018
E-mail: suvaluck.nat@mahidol.ac.th
Web page: Link

Mahidol University, Salaya, Thailand

Marine and coastal management and fisheries governance
David VanderZwaag
Member since 2018
E-mail: David.VanderZwaag@Dal.Ca
Web page: Link

Marine & Environmental Law Institute,
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada

Marine and environmental law and governance
Ingrid van Putten
Member since 2016
E-mail: Ingrid.Vanputten@csiro.au
Web page: Link

HDWG (2017-)

Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and Centre for Marine Socioecology, Hobart, Australia

Modelling the interaction of social and economic behaviour with the biophysical environment
Ying Wu
Member since 2016
E-mail: wuying@sklec.ecnu.edu.cn
Web page: Link

State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (SKLEC), East China Normal University (ECNU), Shanghai, China

Marine organic geochemistry

Terms of Reference

IMBeR Scientific Steering Committee

Agreed by SCOR and Future Earth, 2017

  • To develop the IMBeR Science Plan and Implementation Strategy, in accordance with guidance from the sponsoring organisations SCOR and Future Earth.
  • To oversee the development and implementation of IMBeR in accordance with its Science Plan and Implementation Strategy.
  • To demonstrate progress and achievements of IMBeR through the definition and monitoring of results and outputs of existing regional (ICED, SIBER, CLIOTOP, ESSAS) and national programmes, working groups and task teams.
  • To encourage publication of IMBeR-related activities with appropriate acknowledgement of IMBeR, SCOR and Future Earth.
  • To provide input from IMBeR and its related activities to the international scientific and policy arena.
  • To engage the general public and marine stakeholders in IMBeR activities.
  • To actively seek funds for IMBeR-related activities from national, regional and international funding agencies.
  • To collaborate, as appropriate, with other projects sponsored by SCOR and Future Earth, and other related programmes and organisations such as ICES, PICES, WCRP, IOC-UNESCO and GOOS.
  • To establish appropriate data management policies to ensure access to, sharing of, and preservation of IMBeR-relevant data, taking into account the policies of the sponsors.
  • To facilitate capacity building and career development of early career scientists in topics of relevance to the IMBeR Science Plan and Implementation Strategy.
  • To report regularly to SCOR and Future Earth on the state of planning and the accomplishments of IMBeR.

The IMBeR SSC, its subsidiary task teams, working groups, regional programmes and International and Regional Project Offices (IPO, RPO) shall operate in accordance with the operating procedures for SCOR and Future Earth Global Research Projects.