
Organisational structure

CLIOTOP’s main decision-making is coordinated through its Scientific Steering Committee (SSC). The SSC is responsible for providing scientific guidance and overseeing the development, planning and implementation of CLIOTOP and its task teams. The SSC assists task teams in making linkages, developing synergies and coordinates regular symposia that bring the CLIOTOP community together to exchange ideas and develop collaborative efforts that can be developed into task teams.

The SSC works closely with the IMBeR International Project Office and the IMBeR SSC to ensure that CLIOTOP’s science are closely aligned with IMBER’s science plan and directly supports the Grand and Innovative Challenges.

CLIOTOP’s science is conducted by its task teams and their collaborators. Task teams are cross-disciplinary, problem-solving and output-oriented in nature and can have linkages with other regional and international science programmes.