IMBIZO II Integrating biogeochemistry and ecosystems in a changing ocean: Regional comparisons
Location: Heraklion, Crete, Greece
The workshops
Workshop 1: The effect of varying element ratios on community structure at low trophic levels and food quality at mid and high trophic levels,
Workshop 2: Large-scale regional comparisons of marine biogeochemistry and ecosystem processes - research approaches and results,
Workshop 3: Sensitivity of marine food webs and biogeochemical cycles to enhanced stratification.
DRY CRUISE workshop: Prior to the IMBER IMBIZO, the Data Management Committee held a data management workshop. This covered the good data management practices given in the IMBER Data Management Cookbook followed by a DRY CRUISE during which the participants used and explored these techniques.
IMBIZO II awards
Best Oral - Workshop 1
- Paraskevi Mara - UOC, Greece
- Title: Nitrogen cycling in the Eastern Mediterranean sea: an isotopic perspective
Best Oral - Workshop 2
- Zouhair Lachkar - ETHZ, Switzerland
- Title : Coastal upwelling systems under changing climate: a comparative study of the California and the Canary current systems.
Best Oral - Workshop 3
- Ryan Rykaczewski - NOAA, USA
- Title: Decoupling of the temperature-nutrient relationship in the California current ecosystem with global climate change.
Best Poster - Workshop 1
- Andrew King - USC, USA
- Title: Variability in phytoplankton trace metal stoichiometry from culture and field-based studies.
Best Poster - Workshop 2
- Joel Llopiz - RSMAS, USA
- Title: The prey environment and feeding of larval fishes in the tropical open ocean with a comparison to higher latitudes.
Best Poster - Workshop 3
- Taketo Hashioka - JAMSTEC, Japan
- Title: Potential impact of global warming on North Pacific spring blooms projected by an eddy-permitting 3-D ecosystem model.