End-to-end Food Webs
The E2E WG has completed its mandate. The group is now disbanded.
What was the "E2E Food Webs " Working Group?
The cross-cutting End-to-end Food Webs (Material and Energy Flow) working group focused on the development of an implementation plan for end-to-end food web studies. The group was conducted jointly with GLOBEC, with co-chairs from each project. The plan was developed to guide studies of integrated marine food webs extending from viruses to whales, and the impacts of harvesting on end-to-end food webs and biogeochemical cycles. The implementation plan ensured a coordinated focus on biogeochemical processes, integrated food web and ecosystem modelling, functional biodiversity and impacts of global change (as they relate to marine food webs).
End-to-end food webs were defined as:
Food webs that incorporate interactions among organisms and between organisms and their physical and chemical environments.
Moloney, C.L., St John, M.J., Denman, K.D., Karl, D.M., Köster, F., Sundby, S., Wilson, R.P. (2011) Weaving marine food webs from end to end under global change. Journal of Marine Systems 84: 106–116. doi: 10.1016/ j.jmarsys.2010.06.012.
Kishi, M., Ito, S-i., Megrey, B., Rose, K. and Werner, R. (2011) A review of the NEMURO and NEMURO.FISH models and their application to marine ecosystem investigations. Journal of Oceanography 67: 3-16
Membership from 2006 to 2009
Coleen MOLONEY - End-to-end food webs WG (Co-chair), IMBER National contact, Past IMBER SSC (2007-2009)
Marine Biology Research Institute, Rondebosch, South Africa
Food webs, modelling
ST JOHN Michael - End-to-end food webs WG (Co-chair)
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Charlottenlund, Denmark
DENMAN Ken - End-to-end food webs WG
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Canada
Ocean Climate, physical Oceanography
KARL Dave - End-to-end food webs WG
University of Hawaii, USA
KÖSTER Fritz - End-to-end food webs WG
National Institute of Aquatic Resources, DTU Aqua, Denmark
Svein SUNDBY - IMBER SSC (2015- )
Oceanography and Climate Research Group, Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Bergen, Norway
Physical-biological ocean processes; Climate variability, climate change and impacts on marine ecosystems; plankton; fishery oceanography
Rory WILSON - CLIOTOP WG2, End-to-end food webs WG
IES, Swansea, UK