Oral presentation and poster preparation guidelines
Oral presentations
Plenary sessions will be held on the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday morning, Thursday and Friday of the symposium.
Speakers will be allocated 15 mins in which to present their work. All speakers will be notified by the moderator when 12 mins has passed and will be asked to leave the podium at 15 mins. Presentations must start and end on time, with no exceptions. Speakers are advised to rehearse their talk prior to the conference to be sure that it does not exceed the allotted time.
The conference auditorium contains data and video projection capabilities linked to a PC laptop computer. Overhead projectors and 35mm projectors are not available. Special audio-visual requests that are not supported by the listed equipment should be directed to the conference organisers.
The preferred format for oral presentations will be Microsoft PowerPoint for either PC or Mac platforms. Please bring your presentation and associated files in a self-contained folder. The folder and files must be clearly labelled in the following convention: Author surname_Presentation Date_Presentation Time. Files containing video or audio clips must be located in the same folder as the Powerpoint presentation itself otherwise they will not be uploaded to the Conference computer and therefore will not work. Do not use online hyperlinks in your presentation as there will be no external internet connectivity.
Oral presentations should be delivered on clean USB memory stick to symposium staff coordinating presentations well in advance of assigned presentation times. Presenters scheduled in morning sessions must submit their presentations by 17:00 on the day before their presentation and those scheduled in afternoon sessions must submit their presentations by morning tea on the day of their presentation. The exceptions to this will be presenters on the Monday morning of the symposium. Presentations for the Monday morning must be submitted during registration between 08:00-08:30 on Monday 14 September.
Poster presentations
Posters are recommended to be designed and printed out in A0 format (1.189m x 0.841m). The maximum size posters may be is 1.2m x 1.2m. Posters larger than this or printed in a landscape format will not be displayed. Presenters should bring all the equipment required for hanging their poster.
Posters will be displayed in the Exhibition Hall and will be on display for the duration of the conference. Posters may be hung on the morning of Monday 14 March from 8am onwards. All posters must be hung by the start of the lunch break on Monday 15 October. All posters must be removed from the Exhibition Hall on Friday afternoon (19 October) prior to 17:00. The symposium organisers cannot take responsibility for any posters remaining in the poster room after Friday afternoon.
A dedicated poster session will be held on Tuesday 16 October between 17:30 and 19:30. All posters are expected to be attended during the poster session.