
Symposium sponsors

We gratefully acknowledge the sponsors of this symposium. Their kind support will help to ensure that the Fourth CLIOTOP Symposium is a success.


CSIRO – Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia.

CSIRO is Australia's national science organisation conducting research on animals and plants, astronomy and space, terrestrial and marine environments, climate and the atmosphere, farming and food production, health, information technology, mining and manufacture, renewables and energy. Scientists CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere work to provide knowledge to manage Australia’s marine areas and atmospheric environment, delivering significant economic, social and environmental benefits for Australia and the region.

For more information, please visit www.csiro.au/en/Research/OandA


IMBeR – Integrated Marine Biosphere Research

IMBeR is an international project that promotes integrated marine research through a range of research topics towards sustainable, productive and healthy oceans at a time of global change, for the benefit of society. 

For more information, please visit www.imber.info


NTOU – National Taiwan Ocean University

The National Taiwan Ocean University is recognized as one of the Taiwan's most important centers of high learning and scholarship, especially in the marine sciences, maritime studies and fisheries.

Responding to the changing needs of society and the widening interests of its students, the University has a unique maritime focus and is developing its social sciences and liberal arts programs as a core part of education. The University is rapidly moving toward providing a positive learning environment and culture for intellectual and personal growth, with ocean interests as its unique characteristic.

For more information, please visit http://english.ntou.edu.tw/bin/home.php

  NTOU is commited to a "green symposium" based on the signed sustainable use policy.

Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C



Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, (Taiwan, R.O.C) 



Proceedings of the Royal Society B

Proceedings B is the Royal Society’s flagship biological research journal, publishing original articles and reviews of outstanding scientific importance and broad general interest. The main criteria for acceptance are that a study is novel, and has general significance to biologists. Articles published cover a wide range of areas within the biological sciences, many have relevance to organisms and the environments in which they live. The scope includes, but is not limited to, ecology, evolution, behavior, climate change, molecular ecology and evolution, environmental science and global change biology. The journal has a high profile international editorial board with expertise across the biological sciences. Proceedings B publishes regular Special Features on timely and important topics and has recently started publishing Evidence synthesis articles.
